Education at SIS

Education at SIS

  1. Pre-primary (Nursery/prep)
  2. Primary learning (grade 1st to 5th)
  3. Middle learning (grade 6thto 8th)
  4. secondary learning (9th to 10th)
  5. Senior Secondary learning (11th to 12th)

Pre-Primary Learning
In early learning we aim to create a safe, secure and highly motivated learning environment both warm and inviting. The early years programme builds on what the child already know and do with in the curriculum. This gives an opportunity for them to become active learners and inquirers.

Primary Learning
Our primary learning programme aims to develop the child as a whole. Children ,here learn naturally through guided-play so that they can explore, ask questions,invent,construct and solve problems. Our activities enhance the children’s love of learning and stimulate their natural curiosity.

Middle Learning
The taught curriculum is complemented by an enriching extra-curricular activities’ programme which enhances their skills .we take our commitment very seriously and our students enjoy the benefits of the student centred enquiry-based approach to learning.

Secondary Learning
Learning Process at senior level enables the students to meet the challenges of professional world later in their life.
The learning programme also focuses on the ambitions and aspirations of children. With ample of resources and dedicated faculty the learning process of secondary level begin here.

Senior Secondary learning
The Senior Wing is the Centre of Excellence at Siddharth international school. The wing is aptly furnished with multifarious infrastructure and technological aids to assist the senior students to excel in their cherished pursuits. The whole set up is such as infuses into young learners a high magnitude of enthusiasm and curiosity to attain new dimensions in the field of Science and Technology besides keeping them in touch with substrate roots of India’s diverse culture.